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    What Is Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt Used For?

    19 Jun 2018 г.

    Hyaluronic acid is one of the most powerful natural moisturizers. In the modern cosmetology hyaluronic acid is on the youth and beauty trend, because due to the great moisturizing ability it makes skin elastic, fresh and smooth and reduces aging factors.


    How Hyaluronic Acid Work

    Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance, which is produced in the human body. Almost 50% of hyaluronic acid is in the skin, the rest is in the tendons, cartilage, nerves and hair. The skin structure is like a water-and-spring mate, there the spring role is played by collagen and elastin and the filling substance is glycosaminoglycans, which retain liquid. The major glycosaminoglycan is a hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid molecules create a kind of net, which attracts large volume of water and hold it. Besides that, hyaluronic acid molecules regulate water balance according to season and climate and synthesize collagen as well.

    In the normal metabolic conditions during the day about 1/3 of the whole hyaluronic acid volume disintegrates and creates again, but after the age of 30 disintegrating process become dominate over restoring. As a result, skin obtain a lack of collagen and lose liquid. Modern cosmetic products and procedures allow restore collagen deficiency and remove aging signs.

    Repharm cosmetic creams with Sodium Hyaluronate

    • Repharm #2 Whitening Sodium Hyaluronate Face Cream, 50 g

      290 руб.
    • Repharm #4 Moisturising Sodium Hyaluronate Face Cream, 50 g

      290 руб.

    What is hyaluronic acid sodium salt

    Hyaluronic acid in cosmetics may be provided in two kinds, as a high-molecular weight or low-molecular weight substance. High-molecular hyaluronic acid is a usual full-fledged form, a pretty big molecule, which can bind much water. But because of its big size this molecule can’t penetrate the skin, so the only way of pure hyaluronic acid application remains the injection.

    Low-molecular hyaluronic acid is usually produced in labs by hydrolysis method. The most meaningful substance of this reaction is sodium hyaluronate, which is a hyaluronic acid salt with much less dimensions capable to get into the deeper skin layers without injection. This is the reason why sodium hyaluronate is widely used in different facial creams.


    The benefits of sodium hyaluronate

    • Deep moisturizing;
    • Regeneration and restoring skin;
    • Skin protection from the negative environment damage;
    • Removing and smoothing wrinkles;
    • Nourishing skin through the entire depth;
    • Collagen and elastin producing;
    • Delicate sensitive skin care.


    The company Repharm produce a wide range of cosmetic products with sodium hyaluronate among their ingredients for days and nights beauty care.

    • Aksinia Ca-Interactive Sodium Hyaluronate Anti-Wrinkle Cream, 50 g

      310 руб.
    • Aksinia Ca-Interactive Anti-Arthritis Sodium Hyaluronate Body Cream, 70 g

      440 руб.
    • Triple Protection Antiviral Sodium Hyaluronate Chapstick Lip Balsam, 5 g

      120 руб.
    Skin Care Sodium Hyaluronate

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