The functions of warming creams are to improve blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes of skin and muscles and saturate skin cells with oxygen. Due to these functions, warming creams are very useful in treatment and prevention of various diseases, as well as in solution of some cosmetic problems. That is why the warming creams consist of both skin care components and medicinal elements.
What elements form warming creams
The most effective elements of warming creams are red pepper, caffeine, cinnamon, camphor oil, seaweed, essential oils of rosemary, ginger, lemon, geranium, etc. They activate metabolic processes, increase heat exchange, accelerate the lymph flow and blood circulation.
Relatively new and very popular elements of warming creams are peptides, elements whose molecules consist of amino acids and are similar to proteins. Peptides actively participate in metabolic processes occurring inside cells. Cosmetologists consider that the synthesized peptides provide great help in case of lack of natural ones, due to their wide positive effect providing to skin and subcutaneous layers.
In cosmetic products, peptides are used for solution of a great range of tasks:
- as part of anti-aging cosmetics;
- in products for problem skin;
- in products for body sculpt and against cellulite;
- in cosmetics for weakened and damaged skin;
- in special products relieving pain and muscle tension.

What purposes warming creams are used for
Warming creams are usually applied in the following cases:
- For weight loss, body sculpt and against cellulite. The warming cream stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, accelerates metabolic processes and provides fat burning effect. During its application, the skin becomes toned, resilient and elastic. You lose excess weight, the figure acquires the desired shape, and the skin becomes toned and even;
- For relieving pain in muscles and joints occurring due to various reasons: from physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, trauma, injuries. The warming cream dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, enhances heat exchange, relaxes and tones nerve endings. It relieves spasms, pain, normalizes internal processes;
- For massage. The active components of the warming cream effectively relieve swelling and inflammation, relieve pain and regulate the normal blood outflow, therefore, the warming creams are excellent for massage, including anti-cellulite one;
- For elimination of congestion in muscles and joints and for physical activity enhancement. Athletes use warming creams for elimination of muscle soreness, relaxation of muscles after intense activity, elimination of stiffness and improvement of competitive results, as well as after sprains.

How peptides of warming creams function
Every human body has its own peptides. By their structure, they are a chain of two or more amino acids and are the structural material of proteins. Thus, according to their size, peptides are something in between molecules of amino acid and protein. This is the secret of peptides effectiveness; their size allows them to penetration into the deep layers, while the protein molecule is too large for deep penetration, and the amino acid molecule is too small for significant effect.
Peptides in cosmetics provide the following effects:
- normalize oxygen microcirculation and blood circulation;
- normalize water balance and remove excess liquid;
- remove toxins and struggle against free radicals;
- split and remove fat accumulations;
- activate cell division and self-regeneration;
- stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and keratin;
- promote the penetration of nutritional agents;
- provide anti-inflammatory and antiedematous effects;
- make skin resilient and elastic;
- create skin immunity;
- improve vascular tone;
- heal wounds and microcracks;
- help to relax skin and muscles.
Thus, peptides of warming creams are very effective in struggle against cellulite and excess weight, as well as against pain and inflammation in soft tissues and joints.
Warming cream with peptides Pepper Thermo massage
Where to buy warming body cream with peptides
The local manufacturer of natural skin care cosmetics, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Reagents Repharm, has developed a series of effective peptide-based creams, which are approved and recommended for application by the leading medical centers of the country. The warming products with peptides include Pepper Thermo Massage body cream-balm, which is patented and has passed clinical tests. The cream consists of effective elements stimulating blood circulation, filling cells with oxygen, activating metabolic processes, relieving stress and fatigue, and struggling against pain, swelling and inflammation. These are extracts of pepper and nettle, brown algae and horse chestnut, essential oils of rosemary, ginger, lemon, eucalyptus, and caffeine.
Pepper Thermo Massage has proven itself perfectly in anti-cellulite wrapping and massage; it can also be used as an independent anti-cellulite product. The cream is used to relieve tension and fatigue after intense physical activity, as preventive products before and after sports training, as an additional medication in the treatment of joint diseases.